Can SourceAmerica Help You Get A Job If You Have A Disability?


If you are an American with a disability, you may be one of the hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country that have difficulty getting a job. After all, even though it is against the law to discriminate in employment, many large and small companies still do. 

That is why, if you have a disability and are currently looking for a job, you may have been told to check out SourceAmerica - AFB Directory Profile.

If so, here are a few things you may need to know.

What is SourceAmerica? -- SourceAmerica is a non-profit that was started by the U.S. government several decades ago. Its purpose is to help people with disabilities get jobs, and to place them in positions with either the federal government or with one of a number of non-profits also working with them.

The organization also works with a number of large and small corporations that are also looking for qualified people.

What types of people does SourceAmerica help with jobs? -- You must be blind or with another disability in order for SourceAmerica to be able to help you.

If you are, you can interview with them or with one of the agencies working with them. They will then consider you for one of the job vacancies they currently need to fill. These vacancies will usually be suited to your skills and your experience, and will pay quite a bit more than a liveable wage.

How many people do they help every year? -- The number changes every year depending on how many people are looking for jobs, and how many jobs are available. 

In the last couple of years, however, SourceAmerica has helped gain employment for at least 125,000 people throughout the United States. People with disabilities that may have not been able to find jobs otherwise.

Source America Will Help Your Newest Job Search For The Disabled

  job search

The job searches that you have done for the disabled are quite important because you must ensure that you have taken the time to find jobs that are friendly to the disabled. There are many disabled people who are still looking for work, and they are hoping to find a job that will be something they may keep for years. There are many people who are deeply concerned about this because they need jobs that will not be too hard on them because they have physical disabilities. Each disabled person who searches through Source America will find all that they need.

The disabled people who are searching on Source America will be quite interested in the way that they are searching because each job description explains what accommodations the company offers. This makes it much easier for you to get the results that you need, and you will be quite pleased with the fact that you have chosen to use this board. You will see all the information that you need, and you will be quite happy to read about each company as you shoe the one that you believe you must apply with. You may run across many different companies that are helpful to you, and you will find that they are always posting jobs that you may enjoy.

Your life becomes much better when you are using the SourceAmerica - AFB Directory Profile boards to find the jobs you need. You may use the boards any time that you want, and you will notice that you may come here as often as you like. Each new time you come to the Source America boards, you will find that you may use the board to search for yet another job that you believe may be the right one for you in your state.


Source America Has Many Jobs For You To Choose From


Source America will help you choose from a number of jobs that you may have wanted to try, and you will be enthused by these jobs because they are quite unique and different as compared to other jobs that you have done in the past. You may not have known that these jobs were available to you, and you will find that they are often much like what you already do. The jobs often come from nonprofits that are quite easy to learn about, and you may begin to research what they do as you make decisions about what you will do with them and their many jobs.

The jobs that you will choose come from a large database of careers that you may want to do. There are many people who will find that they must use these jobs to their advantage because each of them will provide for a number of options for the future. The jobs that you find may surprise you because so many of them are unique. You will learn about many of the companies that you have never seen before, and you will learn something new about each one.

The companies that you research will change your overall perspective on the work you do, and you will be quite interested in the way that you have managed these jobs. These jobs will intrigue you because they will be something that is completely new and fresh. You will learn things that you did not know, and you will learn how much easier it is to have the work done in a way that will help others. You must begin to work in a way that will help you save money, and you will begin to take on new jobs that will fulfill your life much more. Get to see the latest job opportunities at SourceAmerica - AFB Directory Profile.


How does SourceAmerica get jobs for the severely disabled?


     If you are severely disabled or know someone who is, you probably know how hard it can be to get a job. Many businesses say they do not discriminate, as that is against the law, but then do discriminate during the hiring process.


That is one reason why, if you are disabled and currently looking for a job, you should look for jobs through SourceAmerica.


What is SourceAmerica? -- This is a non-profit organization that finds jobs for people with severe disabilities. The board of directors of the organization know just how difficult people with disabilities find it when job hunting, so they make sure SourceAmerica does everything it can to help.


What does SourceAmerica do to help you get a job? -- SourceAmerica is an agency that works with three entities -- the federal government, large corporations and other non-profits.


It has contracts with all of these entities. Contracts that have a certain number of vacant jobs within each of them. It is then up to SourceAmerica to fill these vacant positions with people who have disabilities and are qualified for them.


How can you get a job through them? -- There are two ways you can usually get a job through SourceAmerica.


First, contact them directly and find out which non-profits they work with in your community. Then contact each non-profit and find out what you need to do to be considered for a job through SourceAmerica.


Or you can contact any of the non-profits working with people with disabilities in your area, as chances are several of them work with SourceAmerica to find employment for their clients.


Getting a job through SourceAmerica is much easier than trying to do it by yourself, so why not contact them today to find out how you need to start.


Learn more at SourceAmerica - AFB Directory Profile.


SourceAmerica - AFB Directory Profile


SourceAmerica - AFB Directory Profile

The blind are some of the most underprivileged people in America, and it can be challenge for them to live in everyday life never being able to physically see what is in front of them. Technology has advanced only so far, and thus far there is not a cure available for blindness. There are some resources available to the blind, but one of the most promising is the AFB (American Foundation for the Blind). The foundation which originated in 1974 is one of America’s oldest and most helpful resources for the blind. Finding resources can be hard, especially when you are first starting out.


The AFB makes this process a little easier for blind people, with an enhanced directory which offers locations all around the country where the blind can come and learn valuable life skills and receive rehabilitation. The AFB provides on the job training services and placement for the blind so they do not have to live a life stuck on Social Security Disability. The organization also has a vast array of rehabilitation services, which are offered free of charge courtesy of the organization.


The AFB was founded by people who care for the blind deeply, and their services offer compassion and stellar care without receiving anything in return. The job training is through the government, using the company called AbilityOne. So the people who are included or helped by the AFB have very good job prospects ahead of them, and the AFB also helps with other much needed services such as home placement and locating doctors and treatment specialists. There are many causes of blindness, they can be from a horrendous accident to something as simple as diabetes, but the AFB makes it very easy for blind people to seek help and get stellar job placement and other services with ease. For more details click on