SourceAmerica - AFB Directory Profile


SourceAmerica - AFB Directory Profile

The blind are some of the most underprivileged people in America, and it can be challenge for them to live in everyday life never being able to physically see what is in front of them. Technology has advanced only so far, and thus far there is not a cure available for blindness. There are some resources available to the blind, but one of the most promising is the AFB (American Foundation for the Blind). The foundation which originated in 1974 is one of America’s oldest and most helpful resources for the blind. Finding resources can be hard, especially when you are first starting out.


The AFB makes this process a little easier for blind people, with an enhanced directory which offers locations all around the country where the blind can come and learn valuable life skills and receive rehabilitation. The AFB provides on the job training services and placement for the blind so they do not have to live a life stuck on Social Security Disability. The organization also has a vast array of rehabilitation services, which are offered free of charge courtesy of the organization.


The AFB was founded by people who care for the blind deeply, and their services offer compassion and stellar care without receiving anything in return. The job training is through the government, using the company called AbilityOne. So the people who are included or helped by the AFB have very good job prospects ahead of them, and the AFB also helps with other much needed services such as home placement and locating doctors and treatment specialists. There are many causes of blindness, they can be from a horrendous accident to something as simple as diabetes, but the AFB makes it very easy for blind people to seek help and get stellar job placement and other services with ease. For more details click on